I'm trying to understand the Arduino bootloader. I've found some intro here: Arduino Bootloader, but I need more details and because of it I'm asking for help.
During my research i found a start point: OK, Arduino (atmega family) has a specific block of flash dedicated to bootloader. Once the mcu has a bootloader, it can download the new program via serial and store it on flash, at address 0x00.
Let's asign the atmega328p for this question.
#1 - If you take a look at datasheet page 343, you will see a table, showing some info about the bootloader size:
By this table I understood: if i set BOOTSZ1/0 to 0/0, I can have a 2K bootloader and it will be stored in flash stack: 0x3800 ~ 0x3FFF.
#2 - If you open the hex file of ATMEGA328_BOOTLOADER generated by Arduino, you will see the bootloader stored at:
If you consider 7FF0 - 7800 you will get 7F0 (2K bytes of program)
#3 - If you open the makefile (C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\bootloaders\atmega) you will see this argument for atmega328:
atmega328: LDSECTION = --section-start=.text=0x7800
Where 0x7800 matches the hexa file from bootloader.
1- Why the datasheet tells me that I have an special place for bootloader and the makefile of Arduino force it to be stored in a different place?
2- What means the line of an hexa file?
:10 : (?)
E000 : Address
00 : (?)
0D9489F10D94B2F10D94B2F10D94B2F1 : data (?)
29 : CRC (?)