
I want to open calendar where user chooses date from date-picker not only when user clicks on calendar icon, but also when clicks on input field. Material DatePicker. So I create directive for this, attaching it to <md-datepicker> and also watching for (click) event on input:


  <md-form-field class="field-half-width">
    <input mdInput [mdDatepicker]="picker2" placeholder="Galioja iki"
            formControlName="dateUntil" (click)="clickInp()">
    <md-datepicker-toggle  id="calendar" mdSuffix [for]="picker2" ></md-datepicker-toggle>
    <md-datepicker #picker2 manualClickRenderer></md-datepicker>


import {ManualClickRerender} from '../shared/directives/manual-click.directive';

  selector: 'form',
  providers: [ManualClickRerender]

export class FormComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
  clickInp() {


import { Directive, Renderer, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
  selector: '[manualClickRenderer]'
export class ManualClickRerender {

  private nativeElement : Node;

  constructor( private renderer : Renderer, private element : ElementRef ) {
    this.nativeElement = element.nativeElement;

  botClick() {    
    console.log(this.nativeElement); // logs the whole form, not the <md-datepicker>. I guess problem is here
    this.renderer.invokeElementMethod(this.nativeElement, 'click', []);

This is my first custom directive ever, so not completaly sure how to import / provide it, etc. I imported it in main module and added to declarations, but after I imported it in my form component (I did that because need to pass click event to it) got error that there are no providers to ManualClickRerender. So added it as provider as well in form-component. So, yes, I imported it twice..

Also as you see, I use Rerender, not Rerender2, because it doesn't have invokeElementMethod method... But I bet there is a workaround, just dont know it..

Thanks in advance for any info.


5 Answers


There is no need for providers

     <input mdInput [mdDatepicker]="start" (click)="start.open()" [(ngModel)]="_start" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" placeholder="choisir date" (keydown)="false">
     <button mdSuffix [mdDatepickerToggle]="start"></button>
<md-datepicker #start></md-datepicker>

You dont need a directive for that. Just add (click)="picker2.open()" in the input field:

  <md-form-field class="field-half-width">
    <input mdInput [mdDatepicker]="picker2" placeholder="Galioja iki"
            formControlName="dateUntil" (click)="picker2.open()">
    <md-datepicker-toggle  id="calendar" mdSuffix [for]="picker2" ></md-datepicker-toggle>
    <md-datepicker #picker2></md-datepicker>

Here is a link to working demo.


Just one little problem - if I click on edge of the input, placeholder goes up, but calendar doesn't show up. I need to click more in the middle on the input. However, this solution is nice and clean

Answer to this question is just call open function above your input parent like this

                <mat-form-field (click)="picker.open()">
                  <input matInput [matDatepicker]="picker">
                  <mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="picker"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
                  <mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>

This one worked for me

<mat-form-field (click)="picker.open()">
<input matInput [matDatepicker]="picker">
<mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="picker"></matdatepicker-toggle>
<mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>

You can use CSS to make it work.

  <input matInput [matDatepicker]="dp" placeholder="Moment.js datepicker" [formControl]="date">
  <mat-datepicker #dp></mat-datepicker>

mat-datepicker-toggle.mat-datepicker-toggle {
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 1;
opacity: 0;

button {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
