I'm pretty new to Shopify, but I can't seem to reconcile why these two snippets produce the same output (namely, the products always use the featured image, instead of the third image like I want them to)
{% assign featured_image = false %}
{% if collection.image %}
{% assign featured_image = collection %}
{% assign featured_image_alt = collection.image.alt | escape %}
{% elsif collection.products.first.featured_image %}
{% assign featured_image = collection.products.first.featured_image %}
{% assign featured_image_alt = collection.title | escape %}
{% endif %}
{% assign featured_image = collection.products[1].images[2] %}
{% assign featured_image_alt = collection.image.alt | escape %}
Here's where the featured_image gets used
<div class="list-image-wrapper">
{% if collection.empty? or featured_image == false %}
{{ 'collection-' | append: current | placeholder_svg_tag: 'placeholder-svg list-image' }}
{% else %}
src="{{ featured_image | img_url: '600x600' }}"
alt="{{ featured_image_alt | escape }}">
{% endif %}