
I'm using MapKit in an iPad app with the Base SDK set to iOS 4.2 in Xcode 3.2.5. When I run the app in the iPad Simulator 4.2, the app works fine. When I run it in the iPad Simulator 3.2, it crashes on startup with the following error:

ERROR: unable to load AX Bundle: /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator3.2.sdk/System/Library/AccessibilityBundles/MapKitFramework.axbundle

What am I doing wrong?


2 Answers


If your base SDK is set to 4.2, all bets are off for previous versions. If you are setting up your project that way, you'd likely set the minimum required target to also be 4.2, in which case the program would fail to install on devices previous to 4.2 at all, so testing against the 3.2 simulator isn't really worth the time and effort. If you roll back to a lower version'd base SDK, you'll have compatibility with the 3.2 simulator, but may lose the more advanced features of the later framework version.


I ran my app on a 3.2 device and discovered that I was using CLLocationCoordinate2DMake, which is only available in iOS 4.0 and above. I replaced my call to CLLocationCoordinate2DMake with the following:

    CLLocationCoordinate2D coord;
    coord.latitude = lat;
    coord.longitude = lng;

Problem solved! It now runs in the iPad Simulator 3.2.