
I have some code that runs in the background, 24/7, in JavaScript of course. I'd like to set a discord.js bot to output a message if something (like an errror) happens on the code that is constantly running.

How do you send a message to any channel without listening for a messagge? All the tutorials create commands that rely on COMMAND to make the bot "reply" to you. I want the bot to be the one sending the first message, and reading back my response and acting accordingly.

I'm currently using the discord.js node library (https://discord.js.org/).

Is this possible?


1 Answers


Get the list of channels from the channel cache by name, and add an event listener for the error event to window. When an error is detected, send a message to the channel:

var client = new Discord.Client();
var channel = client.channels.get('name', nameOfChannel); // or client.channels.get("the channel id")

window.addEventListener('onError', function(e) {
    channel.send(e.error.message) // or client.sendMessage(channel, e.error.message) in older versions;