I need to implement NVL function in spark while joining two dataframes.
Input Dataframes :
|key | Code |
|2 | DST |
|3 | CPT |
|null | DTS |
|5 | KTP |
|key | PremAmt |
|2 | 300 |
|-1 | -99 |
|5 | 567 |
Need to implement "LEFT JOIN NVL(DS1.key, -1) = DS2.key" . So I have written like this, but NVL or Coalesce function is missing .so it returned wrong values.
How to incorporate "NVL" in spark dataframes ?
// nvl function is missing, so wrong output
|key | Code |PremAmt |
|2 | DST |300 |
|3 | CPT |null |
|null | DTS |null |
|5 | KTP |567 |
Expected Result :
|key | Code |PremAmt |
|2 | DST |300 |
|3 | CPT |null |
|null | DTS |-99 |
|5 | KTP |567 |
ds1.na.fill(-1, $"key").join(ds2 , Seq("key") , "leftouter")
? – philantrovert