I have setup basic directory architecture for my ansible playbooks. I have defined two roles:- 1) www:-To manage all the site deployment 2) root :- To do the root related tasks
My root roles contains following tasks:- 1) Setup a new site on target server 2) Start the web server (apache,nginx)
I want to restart my apache server after the site deployment and for that i have created a playbook called apache-restart under tasks for the root roles.This is how my directory structure looks like
This is what i am trying in my site.yml
- name: Deploy Application
hosts: "{{ host }}"
- www
become: true
become_user: www-data
- site-deployment
- name: Restart Apache Server
hosts: "{{ host }}"
- root
include: roles/root/apache-restart.yml
become: true
become_user: root
- site-deployment
When i am running this playbook it throwing me this error:-
ERROR! A malformed block was encountered.
The error appears to have been in '/Users/Atul/Workplace/infra-automation/deployments/LAMP/site.yml': line 18, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Restart Apache Server
^ here
is there any better way so that i can directly inclue apache-restart.yml file with my site.yml by specifying root role because if i include only role then ansible will start looking for main.yml.