
I've a page called Page where I'll add some blocks called a PageBlock. This two are both document types. Under the Page you could create Pageblocks and Pages. Inside my listview on the backoffice, I'll only show the Pages. In the content three, I'll only show the Pages.

How could I do that?

I've tried to find a filter but nothing found and I wouldn't write a plugin. I'm using Umbraco 7.6

Update: I know how to create an listview but how could I make a filter to show only the childeren of one document type?

And how would you show the items with the doc type not on your filter?Mario Lopez
Got exact the same question. It seems not possible. I wanted to created multiple list views, each showing their own document typeMaarten Kieft

1 Answers


I don't know if I understand the question correctly, but I think what you want to do is set the permission of Pages to allow Pageblocks as its children (On the permissions tab of Pages)

Now if you want to display the children of Pages as a listview go to List view (top right) of Pages and enable Yes - Enable list view

If you want to both be able to view children in the tree and in a listview, you can leave the above option unchecked and add a List View property to the Pages documenttype (as displayed in your screenshot)