I want to perform the K-means analysis where some of my variables should be considered more important than the others. I have found the kmeansw function, but after reading its help I am a bit confused:
kmeansW(x, centers, weight = rep(1,nrow(x)), iter.max = 10, nstart = 1) Arguments
A numeric vector, matrix or data frame.
Either the number of clusters or a set of initial (distinct) cluster centres. If a number, a random set of (distinct) rows in x is chosen as the initial centres.
weight of the elements of x. by default the same.
The maximum number of iterations allowed.
If centers is a number, how many random sets should be chosen?
Do I understand it right that it weighs elements of data frame (rows) and not variables (columns)? If this is right, what other way would you recommend for this problem?