I don't understand why a separate resource group is created for all of the infrastructure associated with an ACS cluster, and not the Resource Group I specify when creating the cluster? This leave my defined Resource Group with one lonely entity (the ACS Cluster definition) and a whole new Resource Group whose name I don't control. Not a fan of this.
I am currently using the Azure CLI to create my ACS cluster, so I'm "guessing" if I went the ARM route I'd have more control. Still, where does this limitation reside and why?
Here's my CLI command:
az acs create -n=int-madraskube -g=internal-acs
--orchestrator-type=kubernetes --agent-count=2 --generate-ssh-keys --windows --admin-username={myadmin} --admin-password={mypassword} --service-principal={sp_guid} --client-secret={secret_guid}
And I end up with two resource groups: