The flow follows the OAuth 2.0 standard. Please note I am not expert in ADFS, however I know OAuth 2.0 well.
The authorization flow consists of multiple options with different steps. In your case you are using the code profile (specifying response_type=code). The authorization step you did is only first step, there are a few steps to follow
you can search on "OAuth 2.0 with ADFS" e.g.
Authorization request
you will receive an OAuth code (usually not aving any information value, it is only a code)
code parameter contains claims such as username etc
This is wrong assumption
Using this code you need to call a token service from backend to receive an access token (e.g. using HttpClient).
POST /adfs/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
you will receive an access token. This step ensures you application is really authenticated with the identity provider it knows.
According to the post linked above:
The interesting bit is the itself, it is in fact a JSON Web Token (JWT). That’s to say a signed representation of the user’s identity and other grants.
I am unable to confirm that, but you can try. Usually (with other identity providers) the token is only a token and the client neeeds to call a "user information" service to get any user identity claims, however seems the ADFS gives you some shortcut.
Then you can use any JWT library to decode/validate the jwt token (com.auth0/java-jwt/3.0.1)
com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT jwt = com.auth0.jwt.JWT.decode(token);