
I'm looking for a work around to use numpy in AWS lambda. I am not using EC2 just lambda for this so if anyone has a suggestion that'd be appreciated. Currently getting the error:

cannot import name 'multiarray'

Using grunt lambda to create the zip file and upload the function code. All the modules that I use are installed into a folder called python_modules inside the root of the lambda function which includes numpy using pip install and a requirements.txt file.

You should probably have your modules installed or symlinked directly to the root of your Lambda function package. And make sure that all the dependencies also go there.Nikolay Grischenko
I know what you're getting at but all the modules work fine as the env variable points to them.Sebastian Łącki
Did you solve this issue by any chance? I have the exact issue on Python 3.6?JavaCake
I haven't gotten back to it, but i did find this link althought i haven't had a chance to look back into it! Hopefully you get something out of this and if you do let me know! github.com/vitolimandibhrata/aws-lambda-numpy . From my understanding it takes complete versions of numpy packages and you can drop them into your project.Sebastian Łącki
As of 2018 it's best and easiest to use layers: aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/… AWS even have premade one for numpyDaveRGP

5 Answers


Updated to include the solution here, rather than a link:

After much effort, I found that I had to create my deployment package from within a python3.6 virtualenv, rather than directly from the host machine. I did the following within a Ubuntu 16.04 docker image. This assumes that you have python3.6, virtualenv and awscli already installed/configured, and that your lambda function code is in the ~/lambda_code directory:

1) cd ~ (We'll build the virtualenv in the home directory)

2) virtualenv venv --python=python3.6 (Create the virtual environment)

3) source venv/bin/activate (Activate the virtual environment)

4) pip install numpy

5) cp -r ~/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/* ~/lambda_code (Copy all installed packages into root level of lambda_code directory. This will include a few unnecessary files, but you can remove those yourself if needed)

6) cd ~/lambda_code

7) zip -r9 ~/package.zip . (Zip up the lambda package)

8) aws lambda update-function-code --function-name my_lambda_function --zip-file fileb://~/package.zip (Upload to AWS)

Your lambda function should now be able to import numpy with no problems.

If you want a more out-of-the-box solution, you could consider using serverless to deploy your lambda function. Before I found the above solution, I followed the guide here and was able to run numpy successfully in a python3.6 lambda function.


As of 2018 it's best to just use the inbuilt layers functionality.

AWS have actually released a pre-made one with numpy in it: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-for-aws-lambda-use-any-programming-language-and-share-common-components/


I would add this answer as well: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52508839/1073691

Using pipenv includes all of the needed .so files as well.


I was unable to find a good solution using serverless plugins, but I did find a good way with layers. See Serverless - Numpy - Unable to find good bind path format


1.) Do a Pip install of numpy to a folder on your local machine.

2.) once complete, zip the entire folder and create a zip file.

3.) Go to AWS lambda console, create a layer and upload zip file created in step 2 there and save the layer.

4.) After you create your lambda function, click add layer and add the layer you created. That's it, import numpy will start working.