
I am running a java program that loads very large (almost 2Gb) files. It runs fine within Eclipse as long as I set the max heap space -mx3700m or higher. Eclipse executes with javaw, and when I watch the memory usage in Task Manager I can see the Private Working Set memory hitting around 3.7Gb.

The problem comes when I create a runnable jar and try to run from the command line. I've tried using both java and javaw, with max heap space all the way up to -mx7000m (my computer has 8Gb RAM). But I always run out of memory. When I monitor in Task Manager, the memory hits a ceiling at 2.08Gb and never goes beyond.

I'm using the same 64bit jre in both cases - 1.8.0_144.

I need to be able to run the jar file from the command line, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

it is -Xmx3700m, subtle difference to what you seem to have set.Thomas Jungblut
I thought I read that you can use either one. I have actually tried it both ways, in both Eclipse and the console. Same results no matter whatMichael

1 Answers


I would try running it with Xmx argument, e.g.:

java -jar -Xmx4096M file.jar