
I have custom dropdown component in each header cell of ngx-datatable. But when I click at dropdown the it is going inside ngx-datatable body. How can I fix the issue please help me.

I am using angular 4.0 and typescript 2.4.

Screen shot: enter image description here

enter image description here

Here is my code:

      <ngx-datatable style="height:450px;"
        [rows]='activeTabData | filtermanual:propKey:propValue | orderBy : {property: column, direction: direction}'
            <ng-template let-row="row" let-value="value" ngx-datatable-cell-template >
              <input type="checkbox" 
              (ngModelChange)="checkButtonState($event, row)"

          <li *ngFor="let col of tableKeys; let i=index; let last = last" >
        <ngx-datatable-column name={{col}} width="230" [resizeable]="true">
          <ng-template let-column="column" ngx-datatable-header-template >
              <div class="draggable" style="height:30px;width:160px;background:transparent;z-index:1000;position:relative;cursor:pointer;"></div>


          <ng-template let-row="row" let-value="value" ngx-datatable-cell-template >
              <i [innerHTML]="row[col]"></i>

can you create a plunker to reproduce ?Aravind
What do you mean by " it is going inside ngx-datatable body" ? what is exactly the behaviour?Vega
Hi Vega,I have added new screen sort.The dropdown which is opend is hidden by table body.Please help me.How can I fix the issue.Mohit
@Mohit Any updates? I've got the same problem.flow3r
I got the solution for that.You need to call the function below on click of dropdown.Let me know if any issue you have. dropdownSettingOnTop(){ let rows = document.getElementsByClassName('datatable-row-wrapper'); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let row = <HTMLElement>rows[i]; row.style.zIndex = '' + (1000 - i); } }Mohit

7 Answers


For ngbDropdown dropdown, I resolved the similer issue by adding the container="body" atrribute as below:

<div ngbDropdown class="d-inline-block" container="body">

You can try adding the following into your component styles:

ngx-datatable {
  overflow: visible;
  .datatable-header {
    overflow: visible;
    .datatable-header-cell {
      overflow-x: visible;

I've got the same issue:
My custom dropdown became hidden by the <datatable-body>.
I got it working by:

.datatable-header {
    overflow:visible !important;   

But then using the horizontal scrolling [scrollbarH], the content inside the <datatable-header> overflew horizontally, so I wrapped my <ngx-datatable> in a <div> and set overflow:hidden to it.

I hope someone might find this useful in the future. :)


I found this solution (may help somebody): 1) use @ng-select/ng-select 2) add attribute: appendTo="body", example:

    <ng-select [items]="simpleItems"

No need any other z-index configurations.


You can share templates by adding a TemplateRef as a ViewChild.

Let me give you an example:

Let's say we have these columns and a template (outside the columns):

   <ngx-datatable-column prop="deadline" name="Deadline" [cellTemplate]="dateTemplate">
   <ngx-datatable-column prop="entryDate" name="Entry date" [cellTemplate]="dateTemplate">

   <ng-template #dateTemplate let-value="value">{{value | date:"shortDate"}}</ng-template>

as you can see I bind [cellTemplate] to a dateTemplate. This date template is defined in my component as a ViewChild with a template reference.

export class TableComponent implements OnInit {
  @ViewChild("dateTemplate") dateTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;


In your case you can do the same but use [cellHeaderTemplate] instead of [cellTemplate] !


merely setting with ViewEncapsulation.None in component and

datatable-body-cell {
  overflow: visible !important;

in the .css or .scss did the job for me.


Had similar issue showing drop-down (using ngbTypeahead) within ngx-datatable columns. Adding container="body" to the input element worked for me.

<input name="xyz" [ngbTypeahead]="searchElement" container="body"/>