I have a daily worksheet with 6 sheets but only the first 4 do I need to enter the date just before they run the back up archive so in cell A1 todays date is added. All daily sheets have todays date and day i.e 08.09.17 Friday as the title but they can be made many months in advance so when doing the back up (already working) I need todays date in cell A1 for all 4 sheets so they get moved to correct archive sheet for the date, which is what back up script is using to put in archive sheet date column so we can track customers daily usage. I am using this script but getting a blank output:-
function timeStamp() {
var sheetNames = ['1st sheet name', '2nd sheet name', '3rd sheet name',
'4th sheet name'];
.setValue(new Date());
it has extra)
etc... – kaza