
I was using primefaces 5 for an app, and now I need to do some modifications, but in the showcase page I can only access version 6, which is not compatible with my version. every time I tested a component I get this error :
Tag Library supports namespace: http://primefaces.org/ui, but no tag was defined for name:
Can anyone help ??
PS: I cannot migrate to version 6
version of primefaces that I use is 5
for those who face the same problem here is the link to download any showcase version.
download it and follow the read me .

There 100% is a value after 'name:'. Which one?Kukeltje

1 Answers


PrimeFaces did not keep track (tag) of versions of the showcase before the 5.0 release. The earliest commits in GitHub are of April 2014 and version 4 was released in October 2013.

Before that, Googlecode was used and they migrated the code AND history from 'svn' to github. That code is in https://github.com/svn2github/primefaces-showcase, where you can easily go back to October 2nd 2013 where the 4.0(-SNAPSHOT) was updated to 4.1(-SNAPSHOT).

Browsing the repository for that version (or downloading it!) is possible. Might be that you need to go 1 commit back but be creative... it is still all there.