
I want to create different databases in single Amazon RDS instance.

I know it's possible manually to create a RDS DB instance with one database from CloudFormation and connect from some tool (eg SQL Workbench) and then create a new Database.

But I want to create through CloudFormation multiple databases under one DB instance.

What is "CFT"? Are you referring to a CloudFormation Template?John Rotenstein
Yes, CFT means CloudFormation Template to create AWS stacklaxman

1 Answers


AWS CloudFormation can create a stack of resources from a template that describes those resources.

This includes Amazon RDS database instances.

However, CloudFormation cannot create the logical databases within an RDS instance because this requires commands to actually be run on the DB instance itself.

CloudFormation merely calls the AWS APIs that create the database instance -- operations within the database are outside the scope of AWS APIs and are dependent upon the specific database.

Once CloudFormation has created the DB instance, you would need to connect to the database, authenticate and then run appropriate CREATE DATABASE commands.