
I have an existing code implementing singleton pattern by having private constructor and returning object instance returning the object -

export class SingletonFactory {
  private static factoryInstance = new SingletonFactory();

  private constructor() {

  public static getInstance() {
    return SingletonFactory.factoryInstance;

I need to inject a dependency into this factory. And I changed my code to the following -

export class SingletonFactory {
  private static factoryInstance = new SingletonFactory();

  private constructor(private myService : MyService) {

  public static getInstance() {
    return SingletonFactory.factoryInstance;

Please suggest, how I can inject the dependency at object creation in the constructor?

You have XY problem. Why exactly do you use SingletonFactory? Angular DI is supposed to manage singleton instances for you.Estus Flask
I inherited the code which had this factory. I am just trying to add a dependency; if I understand correctly, you are suggesting to convert this into an angular factory and let framwork take care of maintaining the singleton instance?SoftEngi
I suggest to use it as service service. It is already a singleton there. And it accepts classes. If you have problems with this approach, I'd suggest to update the question with relevant details. This isn't a typical AngularJS code. Does it use ng-metadata?Estus Flask
This is on AngularJS 1.5; the way injection is being done is again my code specificSoftEngi

1 Answers


Inject into your component.

import { Router } from  '@angular/router';
    import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators} from '@angular/forms';
    import { Location } from '@angular/common';
    constructor(public location: Location,public fb:FormBuilder,public global_service:GlobalService,public router: Router) { 
