
We found in documentation the following: AWS Glue can connect to the following data stores by using the JDBC protocol: • Amazon Redshift • Amazon Relational Database Service (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Aurora, and MariaDB) • Publicly accessible (Amazon Redshift, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Aurora, and MariaDB) databases

Is it possible to make a JDBC connection with SQL Server for data stores? I'm trying create to Crawler with data store in SQL Server.

Should I create new instance of SQL Server on RDS?



3 Answers


It would be possible if the correct JDBC driver was integrated into AWS Glue but it is not. One of the downsides of a serverless environment is you can't add drivers to the server.


AWS reps have informed me that at present, you cannot connect to a database outside an Amazon VPC. This is obviously frustrating. I believe they are putting it on the roadmap.

If you are able to set up an RDS instance with a database they didn't explicitly name, you should try setting up a Glue job to connect to it. If it fails at first because it lacks the nece, I would imagine you should be able to connect to it by supplying the JDBC driver


You can connect to SQL Server using JDBC, here is a article on how to do it. https://www.progress.com/tutorials/jdbc/accessing-data-using-jdbc-on-aws-glue

Although it's for Salesforce, you can use the similar steps for SQL Server too. Just replace Salesforce JDBC driver with SQL Server JDBC driver.