Hi I'm trying to unit test my logout action on my controller but I have hard times to test or stub my Session in the HttpContext. I'm using MVC Contrib TestHelper to make it easier but now I need a little help.
Here's my test :
public class SessionControllerTest
private ISession _session;
private IConfigHelper _configHelper;
private IAuthenticationService _authService;
//private IMailHelper _mailHelper;
private ICryptographer _crypto;
private SessionController _controller;
private TestControllerBuilder _builder;
private MockRepository _mock;
public void Setup()
_mock = new MockRepository();
_session = _mock.DynamicMock<ISession>();
_configHelper = _mock.DynamicMock<IConfigHelper>();
_authService = _mock.DynamicMock<IAuthenticationService>();
//_mailHelper = _mock.DynamicMock<IMailHelper>();
_crypto = _mock.DynamicMock<ICryptographer>();
_controller = new SessionController(_authService, _session, _crypto, _configHelper);
_builder = new TestControllerBuilder();
public void Logout_ReturnRedirectToAction()
_builder.Session["memberNumber"] = string.Empty;
//_builder.Session.Stub(s => s.Clear());
//_builder.Session.Stub(s => s.Abandon());
var result = _controller.Logout();
result.AssertActionRedirect().ToAction<SessionController>(c => c.Login());
You can see my differents attemps. I get an error telling me that Session.Abandon() is not implemented, witch is right when you take a look at MVCContrib's TestHelper. But how can I mock or Stub the Session that's already mocked by the TestHelper?
The Exception in NUnit :
System.NotImplementedException : The method or operation is not implemented. at MvcContrib.TestHelper.MockSession.Abandon()
Thank you for the help!
EDIT : Here's the new working test
public void Logout_ReturnRedirectToAction()
var mockSession = _mock.Stub<HttpSessionStateBase>();
_controller.HttpContext.Stub(c => c.Session).Return(mockSession);
_builder.Session["memberNumber"] = string.Empty;
var result = _controller.Logout();
result.AssertActionRedirect().ToAction<SessionController>(c => c.Login());