I am having the above issue when trying to make the home node map to the '/' route in umbraco. I have been following the method used in the 'Hybrid Framework' Package
Hybrid Framework for Umbraco v7 Best Practises
The Structure I have is as follows (Website is in the root of the tree)
Website node
- Home node
- Other nodes
I have created a home url provider which returns the correct url, which looks like this;
public string GetUrl(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, int id, Uri current, UrlProviderMode mode)
var content = umbracoContext.ContentCache.GetById(id);
if (content != null && content.DocumentTypeAlias.ToLower() == "home" && content.Parent != null)
//The home node will have / instead of /home/.
return content.Parent.Url;
return null;
When browsing to the home node (in the back office), I check the properties for the url of the item and get the following error;
This document is published but its url would collide with content /Website (id=1083)
I have followed the method from the hybrid framework to the letter, I'm not sure where I have gone wrong.
I've also checked this blog;
I have set the UmbracoInternalRedirectId property on the website node to point to the home node.
Still no clues I can identify. Can anyone help? Many thanks
Edit :
I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this!
I have done as others have suggested with config files, this hasn't worked.
To perhaps get my point across more succinctly I've replicated the fault with a vanilla umbraco install and uploaded it to github;
It's just using an sdf file as the database which should be included.
There is a root website node and a home node beneath it. There is an umbracointernalredirectid pointing to the home node beneath. The HomeUrlProvider is set as indicated in my original post. If someone could grab this and help me out, it would be fantastic. The username is admin and the password is password11
Many thanks.