

Hey Guys ,

I have a controller method that i want to run every minute . I read the documentation for Task Scheduling but it seems to document Commands only.

Is there any way that i can use it to call a route/controller method/script every minute ?


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use DateTime;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

use App\Acc;

class ScriptController extends Controller

    public function UpdateAcc()

        $c = new Scripts\AccountA();

        $xoo = $c->getInfo();

        $z = json_decode($xoo,true);

        $data= new Acc();

        $data->price = $z["result"];




I need to use the DB facades and external classes etc... so its not possible to add it to the kernel method.



2 Answers


Yes, just like the documentation states, you can make a call to any function. So you can do the following:

$schedule->call(function () {
    $controller = new \App\Http\Controllers\ScriptController();

However, it is very bad practice to call a controller out of its web context, you should create a facade or a job that executes the code you want.


Yes, you can write a a shell script that will make a CurlRequest to your controller, and add the shell script to a cron job. or you can use laravel commands and call the controller by a request.

why not using the code inside the controller in a command?