I use a xsd file to generate c# classes like xsd.exe from microsoft. I also generate WPF forms from the same xsd file. In some cases i need to define custom attributes in my xs:element tags. I use this attributes for my generator to manage some functionallity in my WPF Forms.
What i want is an "advanced" xsd file with some custom attributes on some elements. It should be valid for any xsd parser.
Like so for myCutomAttribute:
<xs:element name="mycustomName" type="someComplexType" myCutomAttribute="generateIndex">
I have tried to extend the xsd file with an external namespace, but i dont know how to make it validable. I added the namespace generatorTools as gt.
<xs:element name="mycustomName" type="someComplexType" gt:myCutomAttribute="generateIndex">
This is the xsd who should extend:
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
targetNamespace="http://www.mycompany.com" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" vc:minVersion="1.1">
<xs:attribute name="myCutomAttribute" type="ns1:functions" />
<xs:simpleType name="functions">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="generateIndex"/>
<xs:enumeration value="someOtherEntry"/>
The thing is, if i typing the attribute gt:myCustomAttribute right, it works. The value of gt:myCustomAttribute will be validated with the enumeration in the extenal simpletype named "functions". But if i got a typing error the attribute will be accepted with any value. But why? What is to do to get an validation error?
<xs:element name="mycustomName" type="someComplexType" gt:myCutomAttribute="generateIndex">
<xs:element name="mycustomName" type="someComplexType" gt:myCutomAttribute="someOtherEntry">
Not valid:
<xs:element name="mycustomName" type="someComplexType" gt:myCutomAttribute="xyz123">
This is valid, but why?:
<xs:element name="mycustomName" type="someComplexType" gt:myMissspelledAttribute="xyz123">
Any ideas, any solutions, or im doing completly wrong? Thanks for help
PS.: english isnt my best language. ;)