
I am following the php tutorial on the french platform"openclassrooms".

I am using Linux Ubuntu.

I installed XWAMPP, I launched it from the terminal: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

Starting XAMPP for Linux 7.1.8-0... XAMPP: Starting Apache...already running. XAMPP: Starting MySQL...already running. XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...already running.

I saved an HTML/PHP file with the php extension at /opt/lampp/htdocs/tests The file is called test.php and when I try to open it from the browser (chrome and Mozilla) like this http://localhost/tests/test.php I get an empty page without error messages. Only the tab title appears.

Thank your for your help!

enter image description here

So what do you have in that file?ArtOsi
Yea. try to echo some textMackProgramsAlot
You didn't closed you <title> tag...ArtOsi
Check your servers error log and right click on the page and choose "view source" to see what the output actually looks like.Magnus Eriksson
Do you mean XAMPPRiggsFolly

3 Answers


As I see in your picture your didn't closed your <title> tag appropriately. You made spelling mistake - you have </tile> closing tag instead of </title>...


Make sure to begin your code with starting php tag <?php and closing tag ?> if you miss especially the closing tag you code will apperar as a simple HTML format.


I can see from the screenshot you haven't closed your tag. You've put change this to which should solve your issue.