I'm a junior developer trying to figure out the Outlook365 REST API.
I'm using the office365 rest api to sync my events from my calendar. On my first request, I get all the events from a time range. This returns a deltaToken. After that I add more events to my calendar and make another call using the last deltaToken returned from my calls. This request returns all the events (including the new ones) and 2 deltaTokens (the first is the one I've sent, and the second is a new one). I only want to get the new events, not all of them. If I'm making the request using the deltaToken from my previous request, does that not mean that I've already synced all my previous events and shouldn't the next calls get only the new / modified events?
Below is a response. Is it ok to have 2 deltaTokens in my response?
{"@odata.context":"https://outlook.office.com/api/beta/$metadata#Me/CalendarView, "value":[list of events], "@odata.deltaLink":"https://outlook.office.com/api/beta/Me/CalendarView/?startDateTime=2017-07-25T00%3a00%3a00Z&endDateTime=2017-09-01T00%3a00%3a00Z&deltatoken=GGXXX&%24deltatoken=GWXXX" }