
I tried to get this ESP shield working with my Arduino Uno, but with no success yet. I have connected the shield's TX with the Arduino's digital pin 2 and the RX with pin 3 and configured them in my sketch.

SoftwareSerial esp8266(2,3);

void setup() {

If I send an AT command, nothing returns. I got it to return something pressing the reset button on the ESP, but it returned gibberish:


I am making use of the shield seen at this blog. I would really like to get this working. What can I try more?

What AT command are you sending?Gerhard
basicly just AT, It should return OK or something like that, but it returned nothing. After changing the boudrate of both Serials to 115200. It starts to return Error like described belowCatman155

1 Answers


The baud rate is wrong. Use esp8266.begin(115200);

You can also set the baud rate of the ESP to 9600 before using it as described in the article you linked.