
I have an API setup using Django Rest Framework. It works fine when accessing via cURL or HTTPie or even the browsable API. The API has token authentication so initially you have to supply credentials which will return a token. Using HTTPie (or even curl) you would do this:

http POST username="user1" password="testpassword"

This would return a response e.g.:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:57:38 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.2 CPython/3.6.1
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    "token": "fgfdgfdgfdgfdgd45345345lkjlj"

You would then take the token and perform a GET/PUSH/etc like so:

http --json POST test_text="Testing" 'Authorization: Token fgfdgfdgfdgfdgd45345345lkjlj'

I have been Google searching for a while now and cannot find any clear answers as to how the above two lines would translate into Javascript? How do I (1) Pass through credentials to get a token; (2) Retrieve the Token; (3) Use the token to make a GET and PUSH request?

are you using a particular framework/library?bryan60
Hi @bryan60, i am not using any particular Javascript library. I am happy to use whichever JS library gets the job done.shaz
you cannot send data in the url, using post method. You need to pass the credentials in the form of key value pairs in the header.Abhishek Parmar
use jQuery, its easy to use and lots of functionality providedAbhishek Parmar
@AbhishekParmar appreciate the comment but how exactly do i do this with jquery? Syntactically, what would it look like?shaz

2 Answers


I agree you should use Ajax.

You need an ajax call in the very beginning of you app:

var data = {username:'user',password:'password'}

       type: 'POST',
       data: data,
       url: 'http://your_url',
       success: function(res){
                  headers: {
                    "token": res.token
       error: function(error) {

Haven`t tested, but idea is use an Ajax call to get the token and use .ajaxSetup to save the token to a header for all following ajax requests.

The you can do this:

var data = {test_text="Testing"}
           type: 'POST',
           data: data,
           url: '',
           success: function(res){
                   console.log(res)  //answer of api call.
           error: function(error) {

Or this:

           type: 'GET',
           url: '',
           success: function(res){
                   console.log(res)  //answer of api call.
           error: function(error) {

Change type parameter of the call to change your request.


as post, get or any other url calls are asynchronous calls. So in order to maintain the program flow and make the post request you need to use promise feature of js, which will make your post call synchronous. js promise description

var data = {username:'user',password:'password'}

       type: 'POST',
       data: data,
       url: 'http://your_url',
       success: function(res){
                  headers: {
                    "token": res.token
       error: function(error) {

this code will work fine if you use this at the starting of your program, but this is asynchronous, to make it synchronous with your program you need to use promise. And for the third part of your question you need to do this...

       type: 'GET',
       url: 'http://your_url' + "/token=" + your_token,
       success: function(res){
       error: function(error) {