I'm having a problem with the Administrate dashboard gem and two of my models. One of the models is the default User model generated by Devise, and the other one is a simple STI model which, at the moment, doesn't have any custom functionality.
Below are the models code, as you can see they're defaults and nothing has been added yet. Schema wise, only the User model has a custom :type field which is required for STI.
User Model
class User < ApplicationRecord
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable
AdminUser Model
class AdminUser < User
The dashboard works 'fine', the only problem is that on the headers, or any text as a matter of fact, that were supposed to write Users or AdminUsers it says "User", I've added a picture so this makes a bit more sense.
I did notice the the urls were fine, for example the Users page url is /admin/users and the AdminUsers page url is /admin/admin_users, and so I can't really understand where this problem could be coming from.
Any ideas? Thanks