I have Graphviz file "foo.dot" holding the diagram I'd like to render inside a markdown "bar.md" with doxygen.
Knowing that:
- Doxygen support markdown (I address the case of a separated markdown .md file);
- Doxygen support Graphviz .dot files with the instruction in the source (.cpp or else).
Is it possible to do the same in a markdown rendered by doxygen (without resorting to distant service like gravizo for exemple)?
I'd like to do this to benefit from the assets of .dot diagrams and markdown together with doxygen.
\dotfile myDiagram.dot
link , and in this case, doxygen is able to call Graphviz (which is in the PATH) to convert the .dot to an image. I was hopping that in markdown file read by doxygen we could do the same with a similar command... If not possible, indeed, I will a to convert it by my self. – Rafael Catrou