I'm attempting to draw a text box on the screen. If I assign width and height to any value, as in the code below, I don't see anything drawn. Why is this? What is the use of width and height? Adobe's docs say it's the width/height of the sprite in pixels. Why would that occlude or prevent the drawing of a textbox or another box? I assumed the width/height would set the area that this sprite could be drawn upon, but based on this, I'm probably wrong.
Thanks in advance.
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import mx.core.* ;
import mx.collections.* ;
import flash.display.* ;
import flash.text.* ;
public class BareBones extends Sprite
public var backBuffer:BitmapData;
public var clearColor:uint = 0xFF0043AB;
public var display_txt:TextField;
public var i:uint = 0
public function BareBones()
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, step);
width = 1000;
height = 500;
display_txt = new TextField();
display_txt.text = "Hello World!";
private function step(event:Event) : void
display_txt.text = i.toString();