I'm using Delphi's GetObjectProp function to get the properties of the form components, I get all the properties of several components, but I can not get the TextSettings.Font.Style (Bold, Italic, ...) property of components like TLabel for example. I need to know if the component text is bold or italic. The procedure I am working on trying to get these properties follows below:
procedure Tfrm1.aoClicarComponente(Sender: TObject);
TextSettings: TTextSettings;
Fonte: TFont;
Estilo: TFontStyle;
Componente_cc: TControl;
Componente_cc := TControl(Label1);
if IsPublishedProp(Componente_cc, 'TextSettings') then
TextSettings := GetObjectProp(Componente_cc, 'TextSettings') as TTextSettings;
if Assigned(TextSettings) then
Fonte := GetObjectProp(TextSettings, 'Font') as TFont;
if Assigned(Fonte) then
Estilo := GetObjectProp(Fonte, 'Style') as TFontStyle; // <-- error in this line
if Assigned(Estilo) then
Edit1.text := GetPropValue(Estilo, 'fsBold', true);
The error displayed on the line where I marked above is.
[dcc64 Error] uPrincipal.pas(1350): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
What am I doing wrong?
is ofTFontStyles
type and it's not an object type but set of type property. AndfsBold
is not a property but a possible member of that set. – VictoriaGetOrdProp
. Set is just an ordinal value that you can query for members byin
operator. Or if you want to print out the set members as string, you can useGetSetProp
. – Victoria