
I am trying to code a SVM for classification using a training data-set that contains only one type of class. So, i want to predict if some data is different or not from my data-set.

I used the same data-set as the training for predicting, but unfortunately, the SVM is not predicting well.


# Data set
high  <- c(10,5,14,12,20)
temp  <- c(12,15,20,15,9)
x <- cbind(high,temp)

# Create SVM
model <- svm(x,y=NULL,type='one-classification',kernel='linear')

# Predict training data-set
pred <- predict(model,x)


It should be TRUE for all of them.

possible duplicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/27375517/…. But really this question is more about modeling than coding. You probably should be asking at Cross Validated or Data Science.MrFlick
Thanks, but this one is using a structured data and i don't know the structure of "iris". I have done a SVM in python and its working pretty well, but now i have to do using R.Vitor
I used the "possible duplicate" and it has the same error as mine. The svm is not predicting correctly the training data-set. When i use the same data as i used in the training the function predict returns 50% of TRUE and 50% of FALSE.Vitor

2 Answers


I am working on a similar problem. In reading the vignette's that the e1071 authors have at CRAN I believe that by definition the SVM is going to draw a hyperplane that separates it into 2 classes. In other words, that 3rd item is the most likely to be an outlier. SVM will always define at least one outlier.


I'm not sure traditional supervised learning techniques, such as SVMs, are well suited to training data where you only have 1 class. There's nothing in the data to inform the model how to differentiate between class A and class B.

I think the best you can do with your 1-class training data is to learn a probability density/mass function from the data, and then find how likely a new instance is under the learned probability density. For some more info see the wikipedia article on one-class classification.