My Dockerfile is as shown below:
From ubuntu:14.04
#COPY package.json /app/package.json
COPY . /app
RUN npm install
CMD ["npm","start"]
Now, when I run command sudo docker -t my-app .
. It gives me the following error:
Sending build context to Docker daemon 453.6 kB Sending build context to Docker daemon Step 0 : FROM ubuntu:14.04 ---> 37a9c4a8276c Step 1 : WORKDIR /app ---> Using cache ---> a83d4ef27948 Step 2 : COPY . /app ---> 1029f5d7d8a3 Removing intermediate container eb9e7ea7f7e6 Step 3 : RUN npm install ---> Running in 5d4f2c05d2d8 /bin/sh: 1: npm: not found INFO[0000] The command [/bin/sh -c npm install] returned a non-zero code: 127
Is there anything missing in my Dockerfile?