I have n number of vertices numbered 1...n and want to pair every vertex with all other vertices. That would result in n*(n-1)/2 number of edges. Each vertex has some strength.The difference between the strength of two vertices is the weight of the edge.I need to get the total weight. Using two loops I can do this in O(n^2) time. But I want to reduce the time.I can use adjacency list and using that create a graph of n*(n-1)/2 edges but how will I create the adjacency list without using two loops. The input takes only the number of vertices and the strength of each vertex.
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
int w=abs((strength[i]-strength[j]));
this is what i did earlier.I need a better way to do this.
- quadratic, not exponential. – Serge Rogatch