
In R I am fitting a GLM (logit) on individual-level data with a binominal dependent variable.

However, I would like to plot the fit on an aggregate level (i.e. with the % of successes on the y-axis). What would be the easiest way to both plot the scatter of realized data (aggregate) and the regression line? I already tried ggplot with stat_smooth() but if I make the scatter on aggregate level, the glm will be fitted on this aggregate level as well.

fit <- glm(vs ~ mpg + cyl + mpg:cyl + disp + drat, family=binomial(link='logit'), data=mtcars)

mtcars_agg <- mtcars %>%
  group_by(carb) %>%

form <- formula("mtcars$vs ~ mtcars$mpg + mtcars$cyl + mtcars$mpg:mtcars$cyl + mtcars$disp + mtcars$drat")

ggplot(mtcars_agg, aes(x=mpg, y=vs)) + geom_point() + 
  stat_smooth(data=mtcars, method="glm", formula = form, method.args=list(family="binomial"), se=FALSE)

Does anyone know how to deal with this? If I do not specify formula in the stat_smooth call, there are two things that are not how I would like to see it:

  1. It just takes y ~ x as formula. However, I would like to include interaction-variables as well.
  2. I would like to fit on individual-level data, not aggregate-level data.

Without specifying formula, the plot looks like this:

enter image description here

First, can you provide any example of the plot you require? Second, why in your ggplot carb is the independent variable while in your glm() carb is not included as a variable?MikolajM
in the ggplot the x should have been mpg, have edited this now. Besides, I have insert the plot that I require, although that plot is just based on y ~ x, while I would like to specify more riskdrivers than just x.Z117
I think in stat_summary() you can specify only one predictor / only one x. Moreover if you want to visualize the equation of your glm, where you have 5 different predictor, then you need to have a 5-dimensional plot, what is impossible. My solution would be to use predict() to predict vs values for different mpg, while other variables are constantantMikolajM

1 Answers


As I wrote in the comment I think it is impossible to visualize such glm as you would requite a 5-dimensional plot. However it is possible to visualize probability of vs. against different mpg (or other variable) while other variables are constant.

Here is my example:


fit <- glm(vs ~ mpg + cyl + mpg:cyl + disp + drat, family=binomial(link='logit'), data=mtcars)

to.visualize <- expand.grid(mpg=c(10:35), cyl=4, disp=300, drat=4)
to.visualize$vs <- predict.glm(fit, newdata = to.visualize, type="response")

ggplot(data=to.visualize, aes(x=mpg, y=vs))+ 
  ggtitle("Probability of vs for different mpg while cyl=4, disp=300, drat=4")

What gives plot that looks like this:

Prob. of vs for different mpg