Please help me to resolve the below problem
I need to Create a trigger named trigger_contact_af_update
that is triggered whenever the "contact" table is updated. This trigger will insert the org_name and action into the table contact_log_history
after the updation of contact details. The action name in the affected log table contact_log_history
is After_Update_Contact
Hints: Trigger name : trigger_contact_af_update Table name : contact_log_history Field names : org_name,action Action : 'After_Update_Contact'.
The table structure of contact_log_history is as follows: org_name varchar(30) action varchar(30)
The table structure of contact is as follows:
id is the primary key in contact table
id integer org_name varchar2(255) street_address1 varchar2(255) street_address2 varchar2(255) city varchar2(255) state varchar2(255) postal_code varchar2(255) country_code varchar2(255) last_name varchar2(255) first_name varchar2(255) person_title varchar2(255) phone_country_code integer phone_area_code integer phone_number varchar2(255) email varchar2(255) created_time timestamp
I have created the trigger as below, but while executing it is not returning any error message nor creating the trigger. Please let me know the error in the creation of trigger / the correct statement
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trigger_contact_af_update
ON contact
INSERT INTO contact_log_history
select org_name, 'contact_log_history'
from contact
select * from user_triggers where trigger_name = 'TRIGGER_CONTACT_AF_UPDATE'
? – Mehdi JavanCreate Trigger
statement? Which software do you use? – Mehdi Javan