I have cloudera 5.7, I have Cloudera Manager too.
under the directory /etc/hadoop, I saw three sub-directories. /etc/hadoop/conf /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.HDFS/ /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.YARN/
the hadoop-env.sh in ../conf/ is different from ../conf.cloudera.HDFS/.. the core-site.xml in ../conf/ is different from ../conf.cloudera.HDFS/.. as well.
the hadoop-env.sh in ../conf/ has settings on YARN, while the one under../conf.cloudera.HDFS doesn't has it.
and the one in ../conf.cloudera.HDFS/.. has the settings for Namenode, datanodes, etc.
I have CM installed, I am wondering if these configuration files are really in use?
If yes, and I need to change some environment variables, should I change all of these hadoop-env.sh? and copy it to the other nodes?