I have tried 3 different variations of LinkExtractor, but its still ignoring the 'deny' rule and crawling sub-domains in all 3 variations.... I want to EXCLUDE the sub-domains from the crawl.
Tried with 'allow' rule only. To only allow the main domain i.e. example.edu.uk
rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(r'^example\.edu.uk(\/.*)?$',)))] // Not Working
Tried with 'deny' rule only. To deny all sub-domains i.e. sub.example.edu.uk
rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(deny=(r'(?<=\.)[a-z0-9-]*\.edu\.uk',)))] // Not Working
Tried with both 'allow & deny' rule
rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(r'^http:\/\/example\.edu\.uk(\/.*)?$'),deny=(r'(?<=\.)[a-z0-9-]*\.edu\.uk',)))] // Not Working
Follow these links
- example.edu.uk/fsdfs.htm
- example.edu.uk/nkln.htm
- example.edu.uk/vefr.htm
- example.edu.uk/opji.htm
Discard sub-domain links
- sub-domain.example.edu.uk/fsdfs.htm
- sub-domain.example.edu.uk/nkln.htm
- sub-domain.example.edu.uk/vefr.htm
- sub-domain.example.edu.uk/opji.htm
Here is the complete code ...
class NewsFields(Item):
pagetype = Field()
pagetitle = Field()
pageurl = Field()
pagedate = Field()
pagedescription = Field()
bodytext = Field()
class MySpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'profiles'
start_urls = ['http://www.example.edu.uk/listing']
allowed_domains = ['example.edu.uk']
rules = (Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(r'^https?://example.edu.uk/.*', ))), )
def parse(self, response):
hxs = Selector(response)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.body, 'lxml')
nf = NewsFields()
ptype = soup.find_all(attrs={"name":"nkdpagetype"})
ptitle = soup.find_all(attrs={"name":"nkdpagetitle"})
pturl = soup.find_all(attrs={"name":"nkdpageurl"})
ptdate = soup.find_all(attrs={"name":"nkdpagedate"})
ptdesc = soup.find_all(attrs={"name":"nkdpagedescription"})
for node in soup.find_all("div", id="main-content__wrapper"):
ptbody = ''.join(node.find_all(text=True))
ptbody = ' '.join(ptbody.split())
nf['pagetype'] = ptype[0]['content'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
nf['pagetitle'] = ptitle[0]['content'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
nf['pageurl'] = pturl[0]['content'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
nf['pagedate'] = ptdate[0]['content'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
nf['pagedescription'] = ptdesc[0]['content'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
nf['bodytext'] = ptbody.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
yield nf
for url in hxs.xpath('//p/a/@href').extract():
yield Request(response.urljoin(url), callback=self.parse)
Can someone please help ? Thanks