
yesterday wamp was running great. Tomorrow it didnt. I uninstalled it. Then : I install wamp. I start it, it is orange. I change the Apache port to 8181, it turns green. I launch localhost on 8181, it loads until timeout.

command prompt sais port is not used.

What to do please ?

My wamp server is "wampserver3.0.6_x64_apache2.4.23_mysql5.7.14_php5.6.25-7.0.10"

In httpd.conf there is Listen Listen [::0]:8181 and 8181 is dedicated to : httpd.exe

There is no error in apache error log and php erro log files.

User the WAMPServer menus to change port number, then it will make the change in all the right places and not miss any, which I believe you haveRiggsFolly

1 Answers


I'd suggest your first port of call would be to check the WAMP logs.

On Windows these can be found in your WAMP directory /logs. I.E.


If there is a more fundamental error, it may be logged in the Window events log.