I have a simple table created in Cloudera CDH. The version used is Hive 1.1.0 CDH 5.8.
create table student(id decimal, name varchar(100), valid char(1) )
clustered by (id) into 2 buckets
stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES('transactional'='true');
When I try to execute an insert statement
insert into student (id,name,valid) values (1, 'ABC', 'Y');
It gives the following error
NoViableAltException Cannot recognize input near '(' ''id'' ',' in statement
If I omit the column names in the insert query, it works fine. I tried the same thing on Apache Hive, and the insert query with column name works fine.
I want to specify the column names in the insert query, as i will be inserting into a subset of columns. Any pointers on how to get this to work?