
TL;DR: How can I use getQuerySettings()->setEnableFieldsToBeIgnored() to work on a relation instead of the "base" table? Using array('fe_users.disable') does not work.

I have a DB model called "parks" which has three fields: "leader", "administrator" and "partner". All are optional joins on the fe_user table.

Now I want to create a repository method that fetches a park where a given fe_user is either leader, administrator or partner. This works like:

$query = $this->createQuery();
$where[] = $query->equals('parkusersLeader.uid', $userUid);
$where[] = $query->equals('parkusersAdministrators.uid', $userUid);
$where[] = $query->equals('parkusersPartner.uid', $userUid);

This actually creates a SQL query where a JOIN is made for each of the MM-tables to the "fe_users" table, but a WHERE statement is enabled for each of the fe_users table joins, adding a "fe_users.disable=0" to it. So as soon as any park has multiple users assigned and one of the users assigned therein is disabled, the whole query will fail and not return the park.

So how can I use the setEnableFieldsToBeIgnored() method to not make extbase append the "disable" clause for a fe_user join at this place? I tried:

$query->getQuerySettings()->setEnableFieldsToBeIgnored(array('parkusersLeader.disable', 'parkusersLeader.disabled', 'fe_users.disabled', 'fe_users.disable', 'disabled', 'starttime'));

None of those seem to change the SQL query at all.


1 Answers


You need to enable the option to ignore disable fields explicitely.

Have you tried setting the following for your query


(This should ignore the disabled attribute in all records. It might be possible to be more specific in the field definition - as per your example. You could also set those globally for the repository.)