
I download the integrate-dashboard-web-app and enter the ClientSecret and the ClientID values in the cloud.config file. But when I run the project I am getting this error "AADSTS50011: The reply address 'http://localhost:13526/Redirect' does not match the reply addresses". Is there some additaional setting I need to add to the Azure Active Directory? I dont see anything that related to the application for power BI in Azure


1 Answers


I got the same error. Below is how I fixed it:

  1. Ensure that the Redirect URL set on the Power BI App (registered) is http://localhost:13526/Redirect
  2. In the sample app, ensure the Cloud.config RedirectUrl setting has the value http://localhost:13526/Redirect
  3. In the sample app, in the Page_Load method in redirect.aspx.cs, change the line:

    string redirectUri = String.Format("{0}Redirect", Properties.Settings.Default.RedirectUrl);


    string redirectUri = String.Format("{0}", Properties.Settings.Default.RedirectUrl);