I have a lot of Lotus Notes / Domino (version 7) database to migrate to a new software. On my workstation (with Lotus Notes installed), I'm using a standalone Java application to connect to a local replica an extract data. However the replication of the distant database is still a manual process. I'd like to automatise it.
My java code basically looks like this :
Session localSession = NotesFactory.createSession(); // With Notes thread initialized
Session remoteSession = NotesFactory.createSession(SERVER, USER, PASSWORD);
Database localDb = localSession.getDbDirectory(null).openDatabase("local_name", true);
Database remoteDb = remoteSession.getDbDirectory(null).openDatabaseByReplicaID(REPLICA);
remoteDb.createReplica(null, "local_name"); // Error thrown here
However the last line throws an exception (from memroy, but something like)
CN=****/***** does not have the right to create database on a server
How is it possible that I don't have the right to create database on my local computer ?
Is there any other way to programmaticly create a local replica from a distant database ?
Edit: changed calling instance of create replica to match my code causing the issue