I have an application that automatically updates itself each time it is run. It does this by comparing the "modified" timestamp on each file in the program directory, copying files that are newer from a network file share.
I packaged this program with Inno Setup Compiler and ran the resulting installer on a test system. All of the installed files have timestamps one second older compared to the files I used when compiling the installer. This causes every file in the program directory to be recopied from the file share on first run. This is an issue for our remote users that have limited bandwidth.
I've tried this numerous times, with and without the "TimeStampsInUTC" directive set in my Inno Setup script and on four different test systems. The timestamps are consistently one second off.
Could this be a problem in Inno Setup Compiler? Are there any suggestions to work around this issue? I'm hoping to use this installer at two new offices soon.