
I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and running this command below, inside ExtJS SDK folder;

root@nuri:/opt/lampp/htdocs/ext-6.5.0# sencha generate app MyApp ../demoapp

Sencha CMD runs and finishes without any problem and it keep displays only one line message:

[INF] Copying framework to /opt/lampp/htdocs/demoapp/ext

It creates the folder "demoapp" named as in command but bootstrap.js is missing! Thus I can not run the demo app with browser.

All I've noticed; I can not run the sencha command in terminal without root. It keep says sencha command not found. Therefore I'm switching to root with su command and then I'm being able to run sencha command.


  • I've tried this command from Sencha CMD docs but still it doesn't create bootstrap.js

sencha -sdk /path/to/ext6 generate app MyApp /path/to/my-app

  • As well tried thorugh another Folder, inside /Home but still same!

1 Answers


and the solution:

  • I've ran sencha app build command in terminal, inside the demoapp folder and then sencha app watch.
  • CMD created requried json files as well bootstrap.js and now I can display it.

Conclusion: Do not wait for build and watch command to run application on browser! Just do it after generation step...