
I'm making simple http service with Spring Boot RestController, and what I was found, when I try to request via GET Json object I didn't get content-length in header and transfer-encoding becomes chunked.

With simple ResponseEntit<String> all headers set as expected.

What kind of problem may lead to this behavior?

ResponseEntity is meant to represent the entire HTTP response. You can control anything that goes into it: status code, headers, and body.Amit K Bist
Hi, @Sonique, do you find out what the problem was. I am experiencing something similar now.omrsin

1 Answers


Ths is not a problem, Transfer-encoding chuncked and no content length means that response was compressed. If compression is enabled in Spring boot it will compress responses larger than certain amount (2048 bytes by default). I think your ResponseEntit<String> is simply smaller than required for compression.

You can read more about compression settings in documentation.

If you want consistency you can either disable compressing, or set server.compression.min-response-size to a very small value. But I would suggest to keep it as is.