i had recently installed laravel in windows through composer made a new project named project in my xamp's htdocs folder then run "php artisan serve" comand in cmd but it is giving me error "failed to open stream" here is screenshot here I ran "php artisan serve" comand error is shown in above image I also tried to search my problem on stack overflow but couldn't find any solution that can suit my problem
2 Answers
Most files are missing because you have not successfully installed Laravel.
Go to C:\xampp\htdocs\project>
and type composer update --no-scripts
or composer install
Since you are using xampp, once all the necessary files and packages are downloaded to your project you should be able to access your site through localhost without running php artisan serve
by visiting
NB:Just ensure xampp is running
please go through the documentation first
you did not installed laravel projects correctly. you did not have vendor files. First you have to run :
composer install
dont need php artisan serve in xampp ... just go to
hope it helps !!!
composer install
installs these. In the future, post formatted text, not images. – Devon