
I have followed the idea in How to add an item to Highcharts legend? to add an extra legend entry in my chart.

However the problem is that when I do this, the minimum axis is set to 0 instead of the default highcharts value.

This is what I've added to my series:

  "type": "area",
  "name": "Areas with different color",
  "color": "#ee2c34",
  "showInLegend": true,
  "marker": {
    "lineColor": "#8eb79d"

There's no data points in this series (because I just need the a red legend entry with that title.

Chart without empty series: enter image description here

However as you can see in https://jsfiddle.net/yuoox653/ the y axis is drawn from 0 instead of the minimum value it would have been drawn without the empty series.

Chart with empty series: enter image description here

Is there a way to force highcharts to not take empty series into account when calculating minimum and maximum axis values?


1 Answers


Remove the type: area for the extra series and it should be good.