first of all this one How to add a tooltip based on a DropDown list with Kendo wrappers? doesn't seem to work and I can't seem to find anything helpful.
All I want to do is add tooltips to items inside of the following Kendo DropDownList.
.OptionLabel("Neuer Datensatz...")
.DataSource(ds => ds.Read("GetEbmNummern", "Rechner"))
.Events(e => e.Select("onEbmSelect")))
The Kendo Tooltip element currently looks like this.
.Events(events => events.Show("onHoverShowToolTip")))
The only thing that I got to work is putting a Tooltip over the DropDownList itself, but only if I set the container surrounding it for For() and set a Filter on .k-dropdown, but that's not exactly what I want.
Thanks in advance.