
Say i give a pattern 123* or 1234* , i would like to match any 10 digit number that starts with that pattern. It should have exactly 10 digits.


Pattern : 123 should match 1234567890 but not 12345678

I tried this regex : (^(123)(\d{0,10}))(?(1)\d{10}).. obviously it didn't work. I tried to group the pattern and remaining digits as two different groups. It matches 10 digits after the captured group (https://regex101.com/). How do i check the captured group is exactly 10 digits? Or is there any good knacks here. Please guide me.

It is diffiuclt to help if you do not explain the real life scenario, and provide the code you have trouble with. Maybe you need (?<!\d)123\d{7}(?!\d)Wiktor Stribiżew
I was trying to block phone numbers that start with certain pattern. The users set any blocking pattern like 123* or 43* etc.. so i need to block all inbound and outbound that matches that pattern. But before hanging up i need to know why the call failed is it because they dialed wrong number of digits or blocked pattern to set the message properly. This regex \b(?=123)\d{10}\b by @randomir seems to have solved that. Thanks for your thoughts in helping solving that.Anandan

2 Answers


Sounds like a case for the positive lookahead:


This will match any sequence of exactly 10 digits but only if prefixed with 123. Test it here.

Similarly for prefix 1234:


Of course, if you know the prefix length upfront, you can use 123\d{7}, but then you'll have to change range limits with each prefix change (for example: 1234\d{6}).

Additionally, to ensure only isolated groups of 10 digits are captured, you might want to anchor the above expression with a (zero-length) word boundary \b:


or, if your sequence can appear inside of the word, you might want to use negative lookbehind and lookahead on \d (as suggested in comments by @Wiktor):


I would keep it simple:

import re

text = "1234567890"

match = re.search("^123\d{7}$|^1111\d{6}$", text)
if match:
    print ("matched")

Just throw your 2 patterns in as such and it should be good to go! Note that 123* would catch 1234* so I'm using 1111\d{6} as an example